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Saturday, May 2, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
IMF: Bad for Tamils, Bad for You
The last day of the International Monetary Fund Spring Meetings in Washington DC the was a permitted March from Dupont Circle to The Bank Buildings.
Related ::: Ryan Harvey, Son of Nun, Tamils Against Genocide, War Without Witness
Related ::: Ryan Harvey, Son of Nun, Tamils Against Genocide, War Without Witness
Posted by
~ FluxRostrum
Fluxview USA,
Social Injustice,
Workers Rights

Saturday, April 25, 2009
IMF Block Party Beat Down
Multiple simultaneous marches bring attention to the affairs of the World Bank & International Monetary Fund. It was all fun and games until somebody put an eye out. Includes critical visual analysis of why it turned so ugly so fast.
Posted by
~ FluxRostrum
Fluxview USA,
police brutality,

Friday, April 24, 2009
The Difference Between Neo Conservatives & Neo Liberals
At a Protest of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) I asked some folks what the difference between a Neo Con and a Neo Liberal was.
IMF 5k Fun Run
A 5k Fun Run and press conference to kick off the IMF meetings in DC this weekend.
Posted by
~ FluxRostrum
Fluxview USA,
random american,
Social Injustice

Monday, April 20, 2009
Cliffside Coal Plant Earth Day Protest
Duke Energy wants to build a new Coal Fired "clean coal" plant even though Coal has been proven to be less effective as a power source than new renewable energy sources. This being touted as the largest act of civil disobedience on behave of the environment. I'm not sure that is something to be proud of... it was only 44 people who volunteered to be arrested.
DOWNLOAD video ~ Help Stop Cliffside
DOWNLOAD video ~ Help Stop Cliffside
Coal Field Art Tour
A tour of the actual mural that the Beehive Collective is touring with now as they tweek the design with input from the coal affected communities of Appalachia.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Governor Rick Perry: Austin Tea Party
download this clip!
Austin, TX
Governor Rick Perry soke today at the Austin Tea Party to about 1500 teabaggers. I was able to get in only one question at the end.
Austin, TX
Governor Rick Perry soke today at the Austin Tea Party to about 1500 teabaggers. I was able to get in only one question at the end.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
A New Way Forward: Protesting the Banking Bailouts
download this clip!
4/11/2009 Austin, TX
A New Way Forward organized a national day of protest against the banking bailouts and the heavy presence of bank interests in control of our governmental policy.
4/11/2009 Austin, TX
A New Way Forward organized a national day of protest against the banking bailouts and the heavy presence of bank interests in control of our governmental policy.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Rhizome Collective Sounds International Call
7 min. ~ Download
embedding options @ Blip TV or U2B
The Rhizome Collective is a consensus-run 501c3 nonprofit organization that has operated a center for community organizing and urban sustainability in an East Austin warehouse since 2000. This warehouse was inspected on March 3rd by officials from the Building and Standards Commission of the City of Austin. On Thursday, March 5th The Code Enforcement Division of The City of Austin delivered a letter outlining a list of code violations to the Collective. The City mandated that the residents and organizations based in the warehouse must vacate before March 16th. The Collective is looking into all options, but is preparing to vacate the warehouse by the deadline. Before this inspection, the Collective was in negotiations to buy the warehouse from its current owner.
Related Links ::: Rhizome Collective
Saturday, March 14, 2009
SXSW Interactive: Bar Camp

Today was the official second day of South By South West Interactive, and I had the great fortune of attending some of the free workshops surrounding the highly expensive event at Bar Camp. As a luddite, I found this quite an edifying experience.
A lot of the information today was on social media and social networking. I did not take notes on the Facebook class, tho I probably should have, but frankly, I find Facebook and Twitter to be a necessary bore. I suppose I have what is called in the industry “social media fatigue”. The good news is that if you have more money than sense you can sign up for portals like OneSpot (for 150 clams a month after the initial trial period) as a highly personalized feed aggregating system, or TarPipe, to act as a distribution tool to get the word out to many of your sites at once. And, Augmented Reality is totally cool, but completely beyond my personal scope of techdom.
I met four guys, The Innovators Road Trip, who traveled the country to different corporations including Zappos, Maker’s Mark, and Ford Motor Company (to name a few) researching industry innovations. These guys are sweet and cool, and you really ought to check their stuff out. They work a lot using the iPhone and all that jazz to get the word out stat.
Denver Open Media presented on the use of Drupal to create an Open Media Project System. These great folks, whom I had the pleasure of working with during the DNC, are helping to open six new Open Media Stations throughout the US this year! Support ‘em if you can!
Prolly the coolest presentation that I saw was by this British dude that started RewiredState. These kids realized that the worst web sites out there are frequently run by the government. They decided ply geeks with beer to hack the websites and put up something better. They bought the British equivalent of $250 of beer and recruited about 100 geeks (geeks don’t drink much?) and hacked 30 government websites in 24 hours. A lot of stats, I know, but these kids really rocked the Kasbah, and you can too!
Now here comes the weird part. We were waiting to hear a presentation on live broadcasting, and were in the wrong place or it was canceled, I’m not sure. But what I saw and heard blew my freakin’ mind. These cats at Harvard are doing electron microscopic computer imaging of neuron patterns with the intent of creating the framework for greater capacity Artificial Intelligence. The crux of the so called biscuit is the resolution vs. the volume of data that can be obtained and thereby analyzed. The latest development is Ken Hayworth’s brain slicer, which works a lot like an apple peeler, and can slice cerebral cortex into a ribbon 1 millimeter in width by 20 nanometers thick, enabling the computer to roughly trace every neural connection in the brain. By breaking the brain into a neural map, it becomes a matter of engineering to create Artificial Intelligence that surpasses today’s exponentially. The only inhibitors to the creation of a super Artificial Intelligence are money and time. I wanted to ask the guy how much of his funding comes from the Military Industrial Complex, but as a pacifist, I chickened out.
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